
Templates are managed as atomic, inheritable and composable elements, which can also be used in uniCMS to create independent blocks to be inserted in its pages.

Every single template is a combination of HTML, Django tags and Vue.js. This approach is extremely flexible.


File Description
unical_storage_list.html Base template inherited from every list view. Provides pagination, base search and base API calling methods


All blocks templates accept the same context parameters.

Name Required Type Description
url yes String API source URL
uid no String Manual unique id for Vue.js component and HTML elements id (if not present is ramdomly generated)
File Description API source Extra context params
unical_storage_addressbook.html Addressbook list /api/ricerca/addressbook/ structure_id (not required): structure id to populate filter with only its childs
unical_storage_addressbook_info.html Addressbook single item /api/ricerca/addressbook/{personaleid}/ -
unical_storage_addressbook_without_structure_filter.html Addressbook list without search filters /api/ricerca/addressbook/ -
unical_storage_cdsinfo.html Single study course detail /api/ricerca/cds/{cdsid}/ -
unical_storage_cdslist.html Study courses list /api/ricerca/cds/ -
unical_storage_cdslist_without_course_types.html Study courses list without coursetype search filter /api/ricerca/cds/ -
unical_storage_cdslist_without_filters.html Study courses list without search filters /api/ricerca/cds/ -
unical_storage_cdsstudyplans.html Study course's studyplans list api/ricerca/cds/{cdsid}/studyplans/ -